Aesthetically appealing to the viewer?
When was the last time you checked out a website? What are you looking for? Is the design and information overwhelming that you close out the session, and Google for another website?
So what attracts the viewer to a website? Graphic design is a very important factor to consider when deciding to implement a website. Including a few of the design elements ensures that the website is aesthetically appealing to the viewer while providing information.
Design elements include line, shape, texture, color, harmony, dominance and unity to name a few. This information alone is probably putting your brain in overload, and that is why many put their future in the hands of design coordinator who can provide a graphic designer for your project?
Design coordinators and graphic artists are put through a rigorous pace ensuring that they are up-to-date with today’s industry standard and most strive for attaining a degree, but experience is also important as it provides a greater portfolio to present to the client.
A design coordinator/graphic designer should include a variety of works in his or her portfolio. Works of logo designs, brochure layouts and designs, website designs should all be included as they all become a part of the branding process.
Another aspect of the design is the process, and that usually begins with the first session with the client. The meeting with the client is to listen to what they are expecting their website to evolve into.
When consulting with the client it is during this time that you will want to discern whom the client’s target audience will be, the purpose and goal of the site, and what features they would like to include just to name a few. More importantly it is about ensuring that branding, through logo, tag line, and content appear, clear, concise, and visually appealing in the web design.